

  • Q:Does rare earth magnet mean neodymium magnet?

    A: No, magnets made of rare earth elements on the periodic table are all rare earth magnets. Samarium cobalt magnet is also common rare earth magnet. But neodymium magnet is the most commonly used rare earth magnet and the strongest rare earth magnet in the world.

  • Q:What do the grade of N35, N40, n42, N45, N48, N50 and n52 of neodymium magnets mean? 

    A: According to the magnetic energy product, neodymium magnets are divided into different grades, which are expressed by these data of N35, N40, N42, N45, N48, N50, N52. The higher the value, the higher the strength grade of the neodymium magnet, but the higher the grade, the more brittle the neodymium magnet becomes.

  • Q:Can I cut, drill or otherwise process the neodymium magnet by myself?

    A: No, the processing of neodymium magnets requires professional technology and tools. Neodymium magnets are very hard and fragile. Any non professional processing may damage the magnets.

  • Q:Can neodymium magnets be welded?

    A: No, it can't. The neodymium magnet is not suitable for welding. High temperature will demagnetize the magnet.

  • Q:Do I pay attention to the temperature of the environment where neodymium magnets are used?

    A: Yes, Neodymium magnets are very sensitive to temperature. Different grades of neodymium magnets have specific upper temperature limits. Generally, the upper working temperature limit of N-brand neodymium magnet is 80 ˚ C。

  • Q:How long does nickel plated neodymium magnet last when used in salt water?

    A: Salt water is not suitable for NdFeB magnets and cannot be used in salt water environment because the nickel coating will corrode rapidly (24-48 hours).Epoxy coated neodymium is recommended if longer time is needed.

  • Q:Does a neodymium magnet lose the magnetic force over time?

    A: Very seldom. Neodymium magnet is the most permanent magnet in the world, and the magnetic force can be maintained permanently. As long as you keep it properly, you can't feel the weakening of the magnet.

  • Q:Do neodymium magnets pose health and safety risks?

    A: There are no known health risks from exposure to a neodymium magnets.If not handled properly, the big and strong neodymium magnets may cause physical injury.